
I look forward to connecting with you, and being a part of your healing journey!

Acupuncture/Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. When Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are used together they form a complete healthcare system, providing a whole body approach to healing. Acupuncture uses fine sterile needles on specific points of the body to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and regulate homeo... Read More

Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and is an integral part of Traditional Chinese Medicine. When Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine are used together they form a complete healthcare system, providing a whole body approach to healing. Acupuncture uses fine sterile needles on specific points of the body to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and regulate homeostasis. Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporates acupuncture and other modalities such as, cupping, gua sha, magnetic therapies and Chinese herbal medicine.


In 2014 I graduated from the four year 3400 hour Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner program, form the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences in Nelson B.C (now the Kootenay Columbia College of Integrated Health Sciences). Prior to my TCM studies I completed the three year 3000 hour Registered Massage Therapy program at OVCMT in Vernon B.C. I practiced Registered Massage Therapy for a number of years in different parts of B.C. including my hometown of Castlegar where I currently reside.

I have now shifted my focus to Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and have retired as an RMT. I have integrated my soft tissue diagnostic skills from my previous RMT training into my Acupuncture and TCM treatments, using hands on assessment and palpation & needling trigger points to relive tight muscles, soft tissue dysfunction and pain.

I have an understanding of soft tissue injuries from my previous RMT work that helps me when working on chronic and acute injuries causing pain and soft tissue damage. I find it helpful when working on headaches, neck and jaw pain, low back and sciatic injuries. I also enjoy working on women’s health syndromes such as menopause, PMS, irregular, painful or heavy periods, digestive disorders, emotional wellness issues and many more.

I look forward to meeting with you to help facilitate you on your path to wellness.

Greetings! In 2014 I graduated from the four year 3400 hour Traditional Chinese Medicine Practit... Read More

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Located at: 140-1402 Columbia Ave., Castlegar
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